4 Finger Claw Control Pubg Mobile
Gamers suggest that their game has improved a lot since the adoption of this claw.
4 finger claw control pubg mobile. Handcam This the OPTIMAL way of playing with 4 fingers in order to play like a pro. Subsequently it is easier to switch to a 4 finger claw layout or 4 finger PUBG controls after playing with 3 finger claw layout. It may take players a week to shift.
You might shift to this setup from two-finger. Four-finger Claw Control as the name suggests is a method where you use four fingers which are the index finger and thumb on both your hands. 3 finger claw layout.
Best 4 finger claw PUBG Mobile with gyroscope Through this article we are going to tell you about the best 4 finger claw setup for pubg mobile so if you want to know the complete information then you must read this article carefully. Here are some notes for PUBG Mobile and BGMI players who are beginners in this playstyle. It is the setup in which we generally use two thumbs and one index finger for various movements in PUBG mobile.
Basic Rules For PUBG Mobile 5-Finger Claw. Best 4-Finger Claw Settings Of COFFIN COFFIN is a God-Tier Gyro player in PUBG Mobile. 4 finger claw tutorial CONTROL CODE PUBG mobile claw guide by ENDGAME GOKU 4 finger.
As you tell everyone to be perfect in any game all the controls of that game should be according to us. Explaining my 4 finger claw layout this layout works best for me as i have been improving it day after day. One of the best PUBG player Naman Mathur also known as MORTAL One of TOP 10 Pubg Mobile Players in India also uses 4 finger Claw setup using Mobile.
In the four-finger claw setup the mobile is held in the players hand by six fingers giving a. Best 4-finger claw set-up Best four-finger claw set-up If players improve their aim accuracy and all-over gameplay they will have to find the controls. 4 finger PUBG controls refer to the setup in Pubg Mobile where a player uses four fingers to play the game.