6 Finger Claw Pubg Mobile Layout
Best 4 Finger Claw Pubg Mobile in 2021.
6 finger claw pubg mobile layout. Subsequently it is easier to switch to a 4 finger claw layout or 4 finger PUBG controls after playing with 3 finger claw layout. Most of the peoples are asking me for Best 2 Finger Claw Setup Layout for PUBG Mobile. In the four-finger hook arrangement the versatile is held in the players hand by six fingers giving a paw-like development to the next four fingers.
Its highly recommended that you should leave them at 150 - 200. I am going to tell you Best Control Layout For PUBG Mobile which is going to very helpful for improving your gameplay like a Proplayer. In fact there arent any best sensitivity settings for 3.
Players can alter the layout mentioned above according. Layout 3 6960-4897-8808-0564-299. Admin August 21 2021.
Best sensitivity settings for 3-finger claw PUBG Mobile layout. Our advice is to try some settings to find yourself the perfect one and to get used to them. Four-finger layout in PUBG Mobile.
If it helps you do let me know in the comments section. PUBG Mobile best four-finger claw layout in 2020. These four-finger settings and layout are good enough to provide you a start.
Notably not every e-sports Competitive or Pro PUBG player uses the same settings or sensitivity for playing Pubg. 30 of Conquerers Uses 2 Fingers Layout to Play PUBG. The left fire button joystick and aiming buttons should be large enough.