Achievement Points In Pubg Mobile
PlayerUnknowns Battlegrounds Mobile latest achievement Sharpshooter is considered one of the hardest achievement to conquer.
Achievement points in pubg mobile. Eliminating opponents in the game 3 points knock down the opponent 1 point and save the knocked down teammate 1 point Continue Reading How to Complete Pubg Mobile Weapon Master Achievement. To achieve this title there is one more constraint you have to be at platinum tier or above to complete it. To get the title players will have to collect a total of 2800 achievement points.
81 Zeilen There are different categories of achievements in PUBG Mobile. PUBG Mobile Achievements Not Working. Some achievements are Glorious moments or you can say the achievements which give you a special banner above your player avatar while in the lobby such as Sharpshooter Well-liked etc.
To check out the details of missions and achievements you go to the sub-sections like Social General or Honor etc. -Follow on Instagram -Follow on Snack Video -Follow on Tiktok. PUBG Mobile Achievements list.
Irresistible which can be obtained by receiving RP respect in a match. Your achievement points are displayed in the Mission Section. How do you get 10 achievement points in PUBG.
Follow the steps listed below to get the Overachiever title. To get the title of Sharpshooter one has to kill 3 enemies in solo with headshotsingle bullet kills using a Sniper Rifle. Remember me reset password.
All the 37 Honor achievements are as follows. Full Closet 40 points Certified Skydriver 40 points Art Curator 40 points Legendary Find 40 points Rare Find 40 points PUBG Livik Tips. 1 point 100 upvoted shortlink.