Best Place In Pubg Mobile
Iceberg is a snowy area in PUBG Mobiles live map and is a very small town on the north-east side.
Best place in pubg mobile. Also you will see many opponents going here and there by vehicle. The site has buildings with large loot and cover and also a huge church in the middle. Pilot Plaza is one of the famous places to loot in PUBG Mobile Lites Varenga Map.
The place has a large loot of weapons and armours. But beware Pochinki is a hot drop area full of pro players. There is a staircase for you to reach higher floors of this tower.
Bootcamp - A home of pro-PUBG Mobile players best known for a very high amount of loot. LIKE For more pubg mobile videosComment what type of video you want next -----Subscribe to my bro RUPPOs channelhttpsw. The Pochinki lies in the Erangle map.
This place of worship also provides decent loot but what people usually want from the surrounding. In this area you will get at least 3 to 4 bots. One of the greatest secret places in Erangel PUBG Mobile is the broken tower in the Military Base.
In this there three major buildings where players can get powerful weapons good gear and medical items. Send me Id to get free uc. We advised beginners to not land here because pro-players usually land here to get their hands on good loot.
In this area opponents from a different location like a military base Mylta power comes. This tower has many high floors where you can camp and snipe. The corner of Pochinki called the bot house is the best location to get a high number of bots in Pubg mobile.