Best Pubg Mobile Key Layout
What is 2 Finger ClawThumb setup in PUBG Mobile.
Best pubg mobile key layout. Best settings controls for pubg how do you rank up in pubg mobile mobile. Best key layout for pubg mobile Pubg Mobile Youtube. Lean left - Q.
PUBG Mobile allows players to customize their layout controls. For example we would like to edit the key control for Inventory. Most of the peoples are asking me for Best 2 Finger Claw Setup Layout for PUBG Mobile.
I am going to answer that question. Drill Like Pro Players. Dpad set to 2 3 4 5.
Select a key control you would wish to edit. Each player has a different approach to the game and uses different types of layouts in. PUBG UI Control Shortcut Keys.
Pro players use snipers for shooting. With this layout PUBG Mobile players. Pubg mobile emulator best settings Pubg Mobile Smart Key pubg.
The Selection Made in this video is based on my opinionIf you enjoyed the video Please drop a like and subscribe for more awesome contentMusic used in thi. HttpsyoutubeCYgcMrvK9zY My 2nd channel is for Livestre. Shouldering set to Back on mouse.