Best Weapons In Pubg Pc
Do you think BP will have a fun game in PUBG PC.
Best weapons in pubg pc. How to equip guns attachments and grenades Guide How to make light work of inventory management even when youre under pressure. My PUBG Stats as a player. Monthly Weapons - list of weapons that PUBG Corp added in Early Access.
Ive played the game for 3300 hours and in case you dont know how PUBG was back then let me remind you that the. Mini 14 Mk14 EBR QBU SKS SLR VSS Vintorez. BlackPink Outfits Weapon Cosmetics PUBG PC Steam 2021.
This weapon may be an unpopular choice and thats fair if we are just talking about an Uzi with zero attachments. Here is What Changed In the Weapon Tier List since the NEW PlayersUnknowns Battlegrounds Patch. AKM The Prodigy AR M416 The Chosen One.
100 75 100 60 110 50 100 95 30 100 60 50 30. Many of those have fixed various bugs but many others have brought new weapons and attachments to the battle royale. With a steadily expanding pool of weapons to blow your opponents up with it can be easy to get overwhelmed by the sheer amount of guns to pick from in PlayerUnknowns Battlegrounds.
If you would rather like to eliminate such possibilities of shaming yourself here is all there is to know about every single weapon in PUBG along with the best combinations that you should carry around with you. Clever PUBG players know that if they put a stock and an extended magazine on the Uzi they will gain a very powerful weapon. That being said its worth getting to know what youre going to be coming across if you want to start.
Apart from complaining it seems like PUBG has become stable and its an excellent time to create a weapons tier list. While Groza is a very good option for close range fight as it contains 762mm bullets which deal more damage and recoil is very very low even in automatic fire mode which can be proved crucial in the late game. All Gun Types in PUBG Pistols close range.