Change Name In Pubg Pc
Carefully type in the name as you can only change the name once daily.
Change name in pubg pc. All you have to do is increase your level and. Considering how PUBG suffers from fans of foul play such a. According to the developers this limitation was due to the anti-cheating system built into the game.
Select the Inventory and choose the crate icon Choose the Rename Card and tap Use Type in your preferred name and choose OK. Is there a way to change your username in-game. PUBG name change is very easy to do however tricky in most part as you have to reach some levels and have attained some heights in the game in other to be able to change your PUBG username but if you are here hoping to learn how to change your PUBG name then youve come to the right place.
When you play the Pubg game our game level keeps increasing. You will get this ID card absolutely free. They dont even ask you to confirm if its what you want.
Tap the PUBG icon on your screen and wait for the home screen. How to change name in PUBG PC - YouTube. I dont really mind the one I have in the game but just wondering if I can change it or not They dont even ask you to confirm if its what you want.
PlayerUnknowns Battlegrounds is being officially rebranded as PUBG. To change the name in PUBG PC you must essentially follow the same steps as in the mobile version. PUBG PC 10 Update 231 General For technical testing purposes during this test server period players will receive a name change item through the Player Care Package upon login.
For a long time it was impossible to change your name in the PC version of PUBG. Enter the Shop Menu The first step open the users PUBG game. Follow the given process of How to Change Name in BGMI without Rename Card.