Cheer Park Pubg Pc
Cheer Park Showdowns and Island in the Lake of Cheer Park are just flavor updates to improve players experience using the area.
Cheer park pubg pc. In Cheer park you can invite your friends talk to them have a virtual chicken dinner practice your aim and a lot more exciting things can be done. Cheerparkpubg cheerparkpubgmobile cheerpark_pubg. Training ground is updated with new features - this would help players even more when they work on their shooting skills.
The 0180 update in PUBG Mobile also brings a new training area which is called Cheer Park Cheer Park in PUBG Mobile is a more interactive and fun training ground when compared to the. Besides these changes the UI also gets an update as well. Apart from the Erangel 20 map the new PUBG Mobile beta update 10 also brings a few exciting features and content.
Watch popular content from the following creators. PUBG Mobile beta update 10 - Other features. Cheer Park is now available.
The player who take. Pubg Mobile PC - CHEER PARK 100 คะแนน X10. Got thrown out of the window with this finisher.
PUBG Mobile Cheer Park. ¹OpMARYAM 1opmaryam A41Plusicaa41plusica_ ¹NBD丨Decoyofficialdecoy Alucrott pencari lagualucrottxkejujoget ɘxɸ Luɧaexoluna. After a tough match take some time to hang with your friends.
I BROKE PUBG MOBILE cheer park M416 100 x9 NO ATTACHMENTS zero recoil almost. The Shooting Range has been revamped. However the highlight of Cheer Park is the Shooting Range where a player tries to take down as many targets possible in a given time.