Cod Mobile Vs Pubg Mobile Reddit
So it wont be too until the new guy shows himself.
Cod mobile vs pubg mobile reddit. Could it even hurt PUBG. This thread is archived. The last difference between these two games is the characters.
PUBG VS COD MOBILE. PUBG Mobile Player Plays COD Mobile Battle Royale Noob Warning Noob Plays Call of Duty Mobile Battle Royale - PUBG vs Call of Duty PUBG Mobile vs Call of. PUBG Mobile has a slightly higher number of guns when compared to COD Mobile.
PUBG Mobile has the edge over COD Mobile in this aspect. Hey there so Im a big fan of cod mobile and Ive been playing it since the beginning but lately after doing all the tasks and events I wanted to try something new. Call of duty Mobile PUBG Mobile Battle Royale Comparison-----PUBG Mobile vs Call of duty Mobile PUBG vs COD Mobile Co.
So the question is will COD be able to compete with PUBG. COD Mobile vs PUBG. I just played COD Mobile so we are looking for other opinions.
After playing 5-6 matches i noticed some things that PUBG does good and. But the game also introduced some. After playing A LOT of Cod Mobile in Battle Royale i redownloaded this game since a friend of mine was obsessed with it and told me to give it a try now that i seriously play battle royale games.
Its for a friend who is not on reddit and wants to play PUBG or COD Mobile. COD Mobile VS PUBG Mobile. Ive downloaded pubg just to try but is there a way to hold ads and shoot like how they have in cod mobile.