Companion In Pubg Mobile
The Falcon would never be responsible if opponents spot you as it is never visible to them.
Companion in pubg mobile. However the companion does not it is just an add on to a players character where it is only visible to you and your teammates as per the game description. The most anticipated companion feature hasnt yet made its way to the PUBG Mobile. Last month PUBG Mobile offered a Companion Discount Pack for only 500 UC for a limited time but it is over now.
Make sure you know and you have 50 companion. This feature allowed players to get a bird called Falcon as their companion in the survival game. Still it looks like players can find a companion for themselves in various locations on the map.
Falcon companion sits on the player shoulder and move around player and do some action and sound. PUBG Mobile players can bring these new companions to the battlefield with you. The Pet Companion right now is visible only to the players and their teammates and not their opponents.
How To Get Free Falcon In Pubg Mobile Lite How To Unlock Companion In Pubg Mobile lite New Updateஜஜ. When you are in the water these adorable buddies will swim behind you. By going through everything in.
Falcon companion is like a charm or accessories which player can wear or use. After equipping it whenever you join a battle the companion will follow the players wherever they go. The 0155 update is now available in PUBG Mobile with a new vehicle a new weapon a new map and especially a Companion system.
You will get egg nest in many places when you h. They will accompany to bring you more fun during the match. This feature allows players to have a pet and bring it into the battle with them.