Cross Platform Pubg Mobile
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Cross platform pubg mobile. Yes it is but its a feature that only uses mobile devices. PUBG Mobile is cross-platform however. Is PUBG cross platform.
The developers PUBG Corporation have not officially stated why cross-play is only on consoles but there are a few plausible explanations. Mobilede ist Deutschlands größter Fahrzeugmarkt auf dem Du einfach ein Auto kaufen oder verkaufen kannst. Tap the icon with two silhouettes found in the bottom-left corner.
Crossplay has converted more pervasive and PUBG is no different from PUBG crossplay for PS4 and Xbox One. If you play both games you will notice that PUBG Mobile often has more events skins while usually a few patches behind the PC version. Cross Platform Teams are here.
This means that players on the PS5 will never be able to play against or with players who are using a mobile device. PUBG Mobile is cross-platform. As stated above the answer to that question is both yes and no Its cross-platform in the sense that iOS and Android users can party up.
This is where things get interesting as PUBG mobile and PC cross-platform support is actually possible. PUBG Mobile and PUBG PC are 2 separate games so you PUBG Mobile does not have cross platform with PUBG PC. Yes Pubg is cross-platform between PS4.
You can play PUBG Mobile normally with friends who have different types of mobile OS. Die Entwickler von PUBG haben sich nicht offiziell dazu geäußert warum es Cross-Play nur auf Konsolen gibt aber es gibt ein paar plausible Erklärungen. Das änderte sich im Oktober 2019 mit dem Cross-Play-Update allerdings nur für Xbox One und PS4.