Gamers Without Borders Pubg Mobile
32 squad teratas dari seputar dunia akan bertanding untuk membantu misi Gamers Without Borders mendistribusi vaksin untuk wilayah-wilayah dan komunitas terbelakang yang beresiko tertinggal dan menjadi korban dibanding dengan wilayah-wilayah termaju lainnya yang sudah maju ke masa-masa post-pandemic.
Gamers without borders pubg mobile. 32 squad teratas dari seputar dunia akan bertanding untuk membantu misi Gamers Without B. GWB destekli PUBG MOBILE World Invitational Turnuvası seni bekliyor. In 2020 Gamers Without Borders made history when it became the worlds biggest charity eSports and gaming festival by donating 10 million to the fight against COVID-19.
Bantuan sebanyak 3000000 akan diberikan kepada tabung amal jadi. الحدث الأكبر في عالم الرياضات الإلكترونية. PUBG Mobile World Invitational dibawakan oleh GWB kini tiba.
The top 32 squads from around the world will compete against each other to help the Gamers Without Bor. Dünyanın dört bir yanından gelen 32 takım Gamers Without Borders misyonuyla salgın. Top 32 đội tuyển trên toàn thế giới sẽ thi đấu để giúp tổ.
Live Broadcast PUBG MOBILE World Invitational Zone EAST 32 strong teams from around the world will compete for a mission to spread vaccines to various countries. PUBG MOBILE World Invitational powered by GWB is here. 32 pasukan terbaik dari seluruh dunia akan bersaing di antara satu sama lain untuk membantu misi Gamers Without Borders untuk memberikan vaksin kepada negara-negara kurang maju.
The initiative united gamers behind one cause and raised awareness on the importance of staying safe during the pandemic. PUBG MOBILE World Invitational dipersembahkan oleh GWB telah hadir. Una comunidad global unida en la lucha contra el COVID-19.
Watch Gamers without borders PUBG MOBILE July 22-25. The top 32 squads from around the world will compete against each other to help the Gamers Without Bor. No One Left Behind will go on a mission to distribute the vaccine to underdeveloped countries and communities that are at risk of being forgotten and are continuing to suffer in comparison to other global superpowers who are moving into a post-pandemic era.