Helicopter In Pubg Mobile
Die hellblau-türkisen Punkte auf der Karte sind keine Locations der Helikopter.
Helicopter in pubg mobile. After the 0140 update of PUBG Mobile the developers added a feature called Payload where you can play a hardcore Erangel game with helicopters. While Mylta power hosts helicopters at. Aur kya Ham usko Drive kar sakte hai ya nahi sabkuch.
After getting a sneak peek of helicopters on the ground in PUBG Mobile the game developers have decided to take a step ahead. Hit that like button and Subscribe if you liked the video. Die Schule das Krankenhaus die Militärbasis das Gefängnis die Mansion das Kraftwerk die Stadt Georgopol bei Pochinki bei Novorepnoye Bei manchen der Orte tritt er häufiger auf.
Kurz gesagt bei den typischen Hotspots der Karte. However the exact launch date or the rollout of the update is not known yet officially. Helicopter WarLIKE For more pubg mobile videosComment what type of video you want next tips tricks how to weapon challenge world record trick shot.
Game developers are working on impact of helicopter in game with its abilities like speed damage carrying capacity. Wo findet man nun den Helikopter bei PUBG. Players will soon be able to fly the helicopter in pubg mobile.
In the latest update of Payload mode helicopters are not going to be stationary and PUBG players can actually fly with them. One can easily reach the blue zone with helicopter. Hello Dosto Es Video ME maine apko pubg Mobile me apko helicopter kaha kaha pe dekhne ko milega.
Generell ist er aber nicht besonders selten sozusagen. The Erangel main aap is going to receive a fresh update and it is going to include a lot of new features including helicopters. Currently Helicopter is in test mode in the Chinese version of pubg.