Helicopters In Pubg Mobile
This version update makes the military equipment provided in this mode very sophisticated and barbaric.
Helicopters in pubg mobile. This is going to be fun for the players to fly this helicopter whenver it get introduced in the game. One of the armed vehicles. Not to mention the provision of weaponry on these vehicles.
DESTROYING HELICOPTERS IN PAYLOAD PUBG MOBILEcan we hit 500 likes New to the channel. Currently Helicopter is in test mode in the Chinese version of pubg. Introduction of the helicopters is going to be a major improvement in the vehicle system of PUBG Mobile and the developers are also expecting it to be loved by the players.
Helicopters in PUBG Mobile Payload Mode are landed on heliports all over the island which you can see from the parachute when getting close to the ground. 3 subscribe for more funny commentary ----- Subscribe to Sxopemafia. The Erangel main aap is going to receive a fresh update and it is going to include a lot of new features including helicopters However the exact launch date or the rollout of the update is not known yet officially.
The helicopter is a complete recreation fo the US. However you must watch out fierce combat after landing because the military base is always a hot spot on Erangel Island. Some more things are also coming in new update.
Like fuel tanks you can use them as trap and blow them. All thought flying helicopters in PUBG will be fun. Game developers are working on impact of helicopter in game with its abilities like speed damage carrying capacity.
Eagle Desert is also coming in PUBG which is one of the famous guns ever. Payload mode has just been updated some time ago. Discuss Using Helicopters in PUBG Mobile 20 Payload Mode ggwpid.