How Many Points For Conqueror Pubg Mobile
Someone who is in the top 500 players in a server will have 5000 points in PUBG Mobile.
How many points for conqueror pubg mobile. Survival - PUBG Mobile If youre one who believes in brute force action and hardcore kills then you need to consider the survival time too. At Crown level if you kill him immediately your survival time would be 27 minutes while you win you might earn 13 to your ratingHow to Reach Conqueror in Pubg Mobile Whereas if you had waited till the final circle and then lose the fight youre looking 31 minutes survived and 15. In PUBG Mobile there is no fixed point ranking at which stage a player will get the conqueror tag.
To reach Conqueror in PUBG Mobile you need a combination of excellent skills patience a good device that doesnt lag much and a fast internet connection. So approximately you will need 5800 Points to be in the Conqueror tier. How much point need to push to conqueror season 10 conqueror complete guide pubg mobileWanna Help MEGABOi Paytm - 7982052565 leave a msg and get rewar.
So you need to be in the top 500 players of that server in the mode you are playing. Also Read Can PUBG Mobile Lite be downloaded on Jio phones. The amount of damage you give and receive as well as kills are counted for points.
So basically the points needed to reach conqueror depends on the amount of points the top 500 players carries in your region or server. Season 16 pubg mobile Tips To Reach CONQUEROR in DUO and how many points needed for CONQUEROR. Right now with 4200 points im actually sitting around the 4000 place and each 1 wins get me about 200-400 places.
Having plenty of kills at lower levels will help you rank up very fast and make the task of being a conqueror in pubg mobile very easy. The highest pubg Mobile conqueror ranking Points are 11000. The damage you take and heal also helps to gain some points.
For Squad you need 5800 rating ASIA For Solo Duo you need 4700 rating ASIA See Duo is easy to PUSH rank. At season beginning Pubg Conqueror points start from 4200 The Average ranking points 6200. As stated above 5000 points are usually required to reach this tier and these points can vary for each server and hence players have to put in hours and hours into the matches to reach the tier.