How Many Points To Get Conqueror Pubg Mobile Lite
Bronze Silver Gold Platinum Diamond Crown Ace Conqueror.
How many points to get conqueror pubg mobile lite. What is the PUBG Mobile Lite Conqueror refresh time. Pacifist is one of the most renowned titles in PUBG therefore you cannot expect it to be easy. This guide will show you how you can be the conqueror in Pubg mobile with hidden methods and tricks every gamer begs to know.
You have to earn points so that you can be in the Top 500 in the world. Someone who is in the top 500 players in a server will have 5000 points in PUBG Mobile. By getting good KDA survival time placements after each match your rank points will increase.
It takes a lot of hard work and time to bag Conqueror in PUBG Mobile. Being Pacifist means that you are non-violent hence you cannot kill. SQUAD 5000 SEASON BEGINNING.
You need to fulfill some basic. To get Pacifst in PUBG you cannot just start off immediately. Yes you heard it right you cannot kill a single enemy.
Conqueror in PUBG Mobile Lite 1 Timing to push the rank It is quite essential to push the rank in the first week of the season as it becomes slightly easier for players to reach a higher tier. DUO 4500 SEASON. For Squad you need 5800 rating ASIA For Solo Duo you need 4700 rating ASIA See Duo is easy to PUSH rank.
So You to gain 20 points in 100 matches by ending in top 10 to reach Conquerer from ACE tier. There is a total of 8 ranks in PUBG Mobile Lite. Apart from Ace and Conqueror each rank has 5 tiers.