How Often Does Pubg Mobile Update
03 Sometimes opening crates will.
How often does pubg mobile update. Pubg mobile has been tipped to bring the. According reports the update will be officially released on 16th April. Next generation battle royale Unlike popular mobile shooters like Call of Duty.
The online gaming sensation which has spread like wildfire on both android and ios is also getting whats called as the bonus challenge. In other words youre inside a closed setting where. According to the company it will start rolling out the PUBG Mobile version 0180 update on May 7.
In December 2019 Tencent announced a future update named Cold Front Survival for PUBG that will feature drones. Steam added native Dualshock 4 support in 2016. We cant prevent a hack.
Mobile game updates often deploy in messy ways so in simple terms the server your device uses to download updates does not have the latest version of pubg mobile yet. The official release date. The developers are working hard on the game now and aiming for a 2021 release and are currently taking feedback from those participating in the PUBG.
Now Tencent hopes to improve in the global version of the game along with many other features. Mobile PUBG Mobile does not natively support controllers on Android. 02 Complete weekly challenges and participate in events to get Royale Pass Point Cards that grant RP Points.
Some changes are purely cosmetic while others fluctuate balance to change things up. At first the feature was added in Chinese version of the game but it was not well received by the players. As such pubgcorp is releasing an update for the battle royale game that gives additional options for reporting nefarious the latest update uses the games replay feature to catch hackers in the act.