How To Change Your Character Pubg Mobile
Tap that to pull up the appearance menu.
How to change your character pubg mobile. Welcome to our youtube channel RPinformation A. Press on Ok once you are done. To be able to customize your character first and foremost you need to change it to default character.
To change your appearance in PUBG Mobile you need to first worm your way back to the lobby screen--thats the central main screen of the game you land on when you log in. How to change the gender of characters in PUBG Mobile From the first lobby view select the friends Pubgm avatar icon in the top right corner Next. To change the gender and appearance of your character you also go to the Inventory.
On the left side of the screen you tap on the button of Appearance. How to change clothes in PUBG mobile. Open PUBG Mobile and load into the main lobby of the game.
Here you will find the appearance. Tap purchase to make a confirmation according to your changes. To change your characters appearance also go to the Inventory.
Also remember that you can only change it one time per day. Find out how to change character on your PUBG Mobile you can change the look of your character. At the bottom of the menu you will find the Inventory option just select it.
Here is a step by step instruction of how to change character in PUBG Mobile. From there you need to sift through the UI clutter by tapping the Inventory button along the bottom of the screen. All you have to do is play a few PUBG Mobile matches and you will earn enough.