How To Land Fast In Pubg Pc
So in this race of landing first in the ground of your desired location you have to do a trick.
How to land fast in pubg pc. Pubgmobile pubgtips bgmi pubg pubgm. Discription -learn how to land fast like pro players in pubg mobile game. Land Fast in Pubg Mobile If drop location more than 2000m away If your drop location is more than 2000m away mark your location on the map and wait until your marker line becomes perpendicular to the plane wing and then Jump from the Plane.
Or what video should I make next. Tips And Tricks To Land Faster In BGMI PUBG Mobile 1. Topic in this video 0000 Intro 0012 how to land fast choose a closer drop location 0018 FASTEST WAY TO LAND JUMP AT 800M 0130 Every Map Fast.
After landing on a hot drop location like Pochinki Georgopol Novorepnue etc. The first step to land faster in BGMI is choosing the best place to land. Start round - Jump - Fly - Land - Exit game - Analyze - Repeat.
See you on the groundMusic. HOW TO LAND FAST IN BGMIBEST LANDING TIPS AND TRICKS IN PUBG MOBILE TO IMPROVE - SMARTY JACK pubg pubgmobile shorts smartyjack-----. After warming up in the Lobby of the PUBG game all players go to their desired location on the map through a plane.
Tips to land faster like pro players in pubg mobile game234kmhr speed trick-----. But it gave me some knowledge that Im now sharing w. How to Land Faster in PUBG MOBILE BGMI Tips and Tricks GuideTutorial Handcam If you find this video any helpful give feedback in the comment section.
After you jump out of the plane drag the joystick at. So I spend way too much time doing this. But it gave me some knowledge that.