How To Land Faster In Pubg Pc
After warming up in the Lobby of the PUBG game all players go to their desired location on the map through a plane.
How to land faster in pubg pc. The answer of how to drop fast in pubg is pretty simple. After you jump out of the plane drag the joystick at a. Land Fast in Pubg Mobile If drop location is below 800m If your drop location is less than 800m Jump from the plane as soon as you get the Jump Button and do the fast landing method and once you are on the top of your location you have to circle around it and maintain 234kmh Land Fast in Pubg Mobile If drop location more than 2000m away.
See you on the groundMusic. Tips And Tricks To Land Faster In BGMI PUBG Mobile 1. So the best distance to land faster than other players is between 750m to 800m.
Use your mouse or right analog stick to. You just need to mark on the required location on the map. In todays article we will know How to Land Faster in BGMI because all the players want to land on Island as soon as possible so that they can get good loot and prepare so lets know How to Land Faster in BGMI you must read complete this article of mine.
How to Land Faster in BGMI. After landing on a hot drop location like Pochinki Georgopol Novorepnue etc. The first step to land faster in BGMI is choosing the best place to land.
Whenever you play any battle royal game all the players want him to land first so that he can take a lot of. It means when the distance to your marked location comes in between. How to land earlier in PUBG.
You need some guns fast as much as possible. You can land faster in PUBG by using the Wave Technique.