How To Play Custom Room In Pubg Mobile
1-Use is the one-time use card.
How to play custom room in pubg mobile. Step 1 Open PUBG Mobile Game and let it load fully to the HomeScreen. In PUBG games rooms can be created by the players to host custom matches. At the bottom right of the pop-up window you will see a Room button.
This step seems to be a lot more easier. You can invite your mates to play the game in a separate environment called PUBG Custom Room. To Create a Custom Room in the PUBG Mobile game the first thing you need to have is a Custom Room Card.
This means you can use this card for creating the custom room in the PUBG Mobile game only for once. Once the Custom Room has been created other players can simply enter the created Room using the Room Password. Tap on the match setting on the top right of the screen.
But you need to provide a good reason why they should Authorize you to create custom rooms. Once the game is started from the main menu Tap on House shape icon. You can join the room to start battling up with the players of the room.
Then open New Conversation on top right and write about your problem. PUBG Mobile Custom Room. You can get it from the above-listed methods choose the method that suits you better.
You can find Customer Service at bottom left of your screen. As the name suggests Room Card. How to Join the PUBG Custom Rooms.