How To Play Pubg Mobile With Gamepad Without Octopus
How to play PUBG mobile FORTNITE and other games using a gamepad in your mobile.
How to play pubg mobile with gamepad without octopus. While play with gamepad press LSRS to invoke the virtual mouse and move it with LR analog and perform click with LT or A. Download an app called Octopus. Players can also customize their gamepad controls according to their liking.
Long story short this guy is trying to cheat at games. Theres a reason why they have it. Install Octopus apk direct downloadto play with Keyboard and mouse or Gamepad in PUBG MOBILE this app already comes with profiles for these controls for the game by default with.
Apart from this one there also a lot of other attachments such as a joystick multi-button controller but the one we have mentioned does the job quite well. Octopus the application that will help us to play Free Fire with a controller connected to the mobile We will locate our Play Store to download the Octopus application. Please SUBSCRIBE if you havent Subscribed Yet H.
You could perhaps use scrcpy to make your screen bigger and use mobile as a controller. And this scrcpy octopus could get past the system. Want to Play Any Game with a Controller.
HiiIf you like the video so subscribe my channel and press the bell icon for new updates and dont forget to like and share the video. This is quite practical for TV or some situation you dont want to touch your screen. For everything to work correctly our controller or Gamepad must have the ability to connect devices via Bluetooth connection.
Unfortunately there still isnt a way to play PUBG Mobile on iOS devices using controllers. Mantis Gamepad is a keymapper app that lets you play Android games like PUBG Mobile using any physical controller of your choice. And then launch PUBG Mobile with the Octopus.