How To Put Symbols In Your Name Pubg Mobile
In this part you would be able to find various special PUBG name symbols to pick from.
How to put symbols in your name pubg mobile. Tips symbols for pubg mobile. Go to your Inventory click on the rename card. Copy the name with symbols of your choice.
Energy Duke of Doom Eat Bullets Monstrous Michel Collateral Damage Gabriel Groomer Shoot 2 Kill Annihilator Sniperwolf Serial Killer Killshot Agent47 Pubgstriker GangsterPubg. You can combine these symbols in different orders until the new name is accepted. Cool names for pubg mobile.
Because you use this name in your account. Another thing that you need to take note of is that not all PUBG Mobile name symbols are supported by the game sometimes you have to do trials and errors. Players can set it according to their own preferences.
Go to their profile section and copy their username. The new name should contain special symbols including ī ē and ū. That youd use to show off in front of your squad and clan members.
Highlight text copy and paste. Run the app then navigate to Symbol Section. The game lets its players set their character names.
Symbols for pubg name should be less than 12 characters. You can get all Cool names for pubg mobile and pubg mobile lite. Use and paste the copied name in the text box and press ok to rename.