How To Reach Conqueror In Pubg Mobile Season 12
Reached finally conqueror with this match pubg mobile season 12 rank pushing gameplay in hindi by cool gaming.
How to reach conqueror in pubg mobile season 12. It is very important that you have to start pushing right in the beginning. By doing this when you complete your loot half of the players are killed already. After a few days players will start to get stabilize.
A player needs to learn the importance of kills and survival points in the Conqueror rank push. There are only 500 conqueror players on a server in a particular mode. The last tips on how to reach Conqueror in PUBG Mobile is utility usage.
The recommended survival time to get more plus tier points is. BTX Clan PUBG MOBILE VIDEOSSUBSCRIBE FOR MOREMy pubg id 523976117Follow Me On Instagrambtx_sgPhone - Vivo Z1 pro 128GBRecorder - InbuiltEditor - KinemasterRo. PUBG mobile is played by more than 400 million people across the world.
One should carry at least two or three grenades or five to six smoke grenades. In this article we discuss some key points that need to be kept in mind if youre pushing for Conqueror this season. Only when all four team members are good and all want to reach conqueror can you reach the top 500 in squads.
You also get more survival points in squadduosolo servers. Also in the duo mode your partner must be helpful and skilled like you. My personal strategy is very effective for me for season 12.
After rank is reset all the higher ranked players drop down to Platinum and once it happens get ready to hit the ranked matches. Becoming a Pro is not the solution in Rank Push because many times even pro players get killed by enemies. If you really want to reach Conqueror tier in PUBG Mobile then you need to take care of your gameplay from all the possible sides.