Is Pubg Pc Dead 2021
Whether people want to admit it or not PlayerUnknowns Battlegrounds is one of the most influential and important games of all time.
Is pubg pc dead 2021. Is PUBG PC dead in 2021. What is PUBG PC Lite. At a note that PUBG is not completely died-at-all PUBG is still popular but most in People Republic of China where did PUBG is banned in the mainland PRC but in mobile only.
However any game that is consistently in the top 10 most played games charts on Steam can hardly be qualified as a dead game. Releasing at a time whe. While some of this can be attributed to natural player migration that alone does not fully account for why the former most popular battle royale has haemorrhaged over 85 of its player base while the rest of the industry leaders.
Its still far ahead from most battle royale games like Ring of Elysium and Z1 Battle Royale. More specifically PCS4 will be held in June and PCS5 in. Hit like and subscirbe.
While its player count has dropped significantly from the staggering 3 million concurrent players in January 2019 its still far above H1Z1s low. However in a recent interview with Bloomberg it was revealed that a new mobile battle royale title is slated for 2021. One of them includes the return of the PUBG Continental Series PCS thanks to last years successful event.
Minho Yi head of PUBGs esports spoke during the conference about the exact upcoming events that will take place on the scheduledirection of the entire program. Thursday April 29 2021 Is PUBG PC lite is DEAD. The exact release date for the game is unknown.
PUBG Lite a low-end PC version of the battle royale game PUBG is now available for pre-download in India. PlayerUnknown Battlegrounds PuBG isnt dead nor is it likely to die anytime soon. Despite losing hundreds of thousands of players PUBG is not dead yet.