Is There 15x Scope In Pubg Pc
Yes 15x scope news is not fake and you can actually use them in the game.
Is there 15x scope in pubg pc. PUBG Mobile graphics is low as compared to PUBG PC as there is not enough processing power in mobile. Find a 15 scope to attach on your gun and then you can use it. In their recent teaser released for the upcoming PUBG Mobile New Era update which also includes the overhaul of the Erangel map the developers have a small tease of the 15x scope which is already existing in the PC version of the game.
Typically only Snipers and DMRs entertain 15 scopes. Because first it will be tested in the public bet version and then arrive in the global version. New scope new type of parachutes.
PUBG gives two options to choose when aiming a precious view for first-person and a close up for the third person. Is there any scope in PUBG. There are 8 scopes to choose from in PUBG.
1 - Whats the 15x scope. However even if the 15x Scope is coming in PUBG Mobile it will take quite some time. PUBG PC MontageFOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM - httpsgooglDpP41mSupport Me Via PAYTM Daan Peti No 8770056845 - httpsgooglf2MSaS SPONSOR me.
It is best to use the 15x with weapons that have high bullet speed such as the Mini14 or the AWM. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators. It has a very high magnification power and it allows you to shoot any person who is located even at a very distant place.
To use the scope in PUBG you have to be in person mode. The PUBG 15x scope is available in the PC version of the game but in the mobile version it is yet to come. Due to its very.