Is Your First Pubg Mobile Game Against Bots
It is possible that some real players are also in the game but in the minority.
Is your first pubg mobile game against bots. Is your first game on pubg mobile against bots Testing. Get Bot Lobby in Pubg Mobile All are Bot Noob First Time Secret Pubg Trick Must Watch - YouTube. Over on PC there are no bots so it makes sense for people to assume theyre fighting real players in these early mobile games.
Of course you could also argue using bots takes away what made PUBG special in the first place a game that pits you against 100 AI enemies isnt particularly unique or noteworthy. This is likely down to how easy the game seems to be when first starting out. This is the first pubg mobile game against bots is almost the same as the pc pubg mobile lite only obb version.
When you first start playing the game many of the opponents you come up against will be computer-controlled drones. If you are directly up against experienced players you might be disgusted. PUBG is full of bots.
Pubg Mobile trick To get BotHow to Get Bot in PubgMust watch This Trick by Op GamingBot. In simple terms bots are an artificial intelligence designed character having. Take these first matches as tutorials to ease you into PUBG Mobile.
PSA PUBG Mobile starts you off against bots dont get too excited if you win your first game. New users will play the first 23 games with bots after the 3rd game depending on your performance against bots the game will have you play a game against actual people youll notice that many players are actually really bad at playing on a phone and appear to play like bots. Even though there are thousands of people playing it at any given time theres a large number of bots that you may encounter frequently in the game.
PlayerUnknowns Battlegrounds is one of the most popular Battle Royale games out there for both PC and console and for good reason. UltimatedVCPresents Bots Explain in detail----- In This Video i Explained the Meaning of Bots Types of Bot Bots Behavio. So PUBG Mobile eases you in.