Map Pubg Mobile Erangel
While Rozhok might be your primary location it will often become a secondary or tertiary spot for opponents who dropped at the school area to the south.
Map pubg mobile erangel. Erangel is the very first map introduced in PUBG Mobile and it is a very popular choice in the game. While others are not understandable already Crafton teased the Sanhok map through a teaser. Rozhok can be accessed via smaller bridges to the north and.
Pubg Id - 5349762822Thanks for watching Spidey gaming Press. PUBG Mobile introduces a brand new version of the classic Erangel battle royale map for players to check out in the new 15 update. Pubg map for boat vehicle weapon loot and spawn locations.
ANT-MAN MODE IN PUBG MOBILE SECRET LABORATORY IN ERANGEL MAP. There are 4 maps in PUBG Mobile namely Erangel Miramar Sanhok and Karakin. ANT-MAN MODE IN PUBG MOBILE.
It is an eight by eight island with its terrains ranging from the mountains to the open grasslands and with towns and cities mixed in between. There was another map until very recently called Vikendi but the map was discontinued. Datamined vehicle boat loot weapon spawn locations.
Buildings created from simple rectangle splines and moved to surface with script httpwww. Players love this map because of its natural environment and others. 38 0 Less than a minute.
Unofficial PLAYERUNKNOWNS BATTLEGROUNDS Interactive Maps. The Erangel map is based on a. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Tumblr Pinterest Reddit VKontakte Odnoklassniki Pocket.