Modo Bluehole Pubg Mobile
Yeni blue hole modunu denedim.
Modo bluehole pubg mobile. Pubg mobile de bluehole modunda bir maç attık umarım beğenirsinizBluehole modu ilk geldiğinde çekmiştim bu videoyuİyi seyirler. But the two can be used interchangeably. One of its most important mechanic has become the name for the mode itself the Bluehole Mode whereas the name of it is officially Safety Scramble.
The white-bordered circle is the usual safe zone or the playzone which is familiar to most of the players they will not take any damage in the safe zone. Eai galeranem sabia que esse modo tinha no Pubg kkkkaquela zona azul no mapa vira a próxima safe pra ta por foraespero q gostem do video flw Vão lá dar. Bluehole Mode otherwise known as Safety Scramble introduced a new anti-camping mechanic that could significantly rebalance the PUBG Mobile ecosystem.
When using the mode two different zones are formed an outer and an inner zone. BlueHole Mode release date is May 25. PUBG Mobile Bluehole mode tips and tricks 1.
What is Blue hole mode in PUBG Mobile. BlueHole ModeEXE in PUBG MOBILENew EvoGround mode update. İyi eğlencelerBana ulaşmak istersenizInstagram.
Players will have to stay in the. It adds an interesting twist to the match and is played on the classic Erangel map. I play solo vs squad and this are the funny and intense momentsA funny compilation in the form of.
The newest Evo-Ground mode to drop into PUBG Mobile is the Bluehole Mode. Kanala abone olmayı unutursanız küsme ihtimalim var. PUBG Mobile New Bluehole Mode is here - New trick in Bluehole mode1 like 1 1 views 11 subscriber Please subscribe to my channel i m new.