New Map Pubg Pc
The release of PUBG changed the trend of gameplay totally in a new direction.
New map pubg pc. This map will be the first 8X8 map after Miramar and if the rumours are to be believed it will an absolute delight to play. But unfortunately Duos arent available at this time but may be added in the future. PUBG PC New Map.
PlayerUnknowns Battlegrounds is preparing to overhaul its big desert map Miramar as the developer announces plans for two more brand new battle. Das Highlight der Map ist eine Respawn-Funktion die euch in das Gefecht zurückbringt wenn ihr früh von einem Gegner ausgeschaltet wurdet. Datamined vehicle boat loot weapon spawn locations.
Gamers from having a small smartphone to a High End Gaming. PUBG Update 121 is available on PC right now. Season 6 on PUBG Pc is coming with new stuff map and gameplay features.
Update 122 also introduces Survivor Pass. Today revealed PUBG Update 122 which brings with it TAEGO the new 8x8 map set in 1980s South Korea. Nun wird auch die neue PUBG-Map Tiger ein entsprechendes Feature mitbringen.
Earlier this month PUBG on PC and consoles got a major update that remastered the Miramar map. PUBG update 122 will be here soon with the rumoured 8X8 map Taego which was codenamed Tiger earlier is coming to PUBG PC and console soon a teaser on PUBGs official YouTube channel confirmed the same. Update 122 will be available on PC on July 7 and on consoles on July 15.
PUBG New TDM MODE with NEW MAPS PUBG PC TDM Mode GAMEPLAY. Updated on 26 May 2021 Thats right PUBG is getting another batch of fresh maps this year as the dev team has unveiled its 2021 dev plan - and it includes two brand new. Unofficial PLAYERUNKNOWNS BATTLEGROUNDS Interactive Maps.