Not Authorized Pubg Pc
Uninstalling and reinstalling wont solve the issue and neither will creating a new account.
Not authorized pubg pc. Level 1 4y. PLAYERUNKNOWNS BATTLEGROUNDS General Discussions. PUBG not launching is the most common one.
Its one thing after another with this release. To fix this just keep the launcher open to avoid any conflict with the games authorization process. Hey guys Simetimes when I launch pubg I get a notification stating not authorized.
Players are dropped into a wide open area and they must fight to the death - all while the battlefield shrinks adding pressure to all in its grip. When I click reconnect everything seems fine. Use a variety of interesting weapons and vehicles amid the BATTLEGROUNDS.
This is no less true with PUBG. Nobody is happy when they cant connect to the multiplayer game they love to play. Pubg not authorized.
Under the retards who made this games authority. Error Not Authorized This is error appears whenever you close the launcher program after running the game. What does it mean.
In case you use or promote such hardware PUBG can also take legal action against you. Youre excited to play a few matches after a hard days work only to realize that you cant connect to PUBG. Unfortunately the Not Authorized Xbox One error isnt actually an issue with your PUBG account or anything on your console so theres not much to be done.