Pubg Mobile 16x Scope
Youll see far long distances - perfect for snipers to do deadly head shots.
Pubg mobile 16x scope. This power scope can zoom in even further than the 8x CQBSS the current strongest sight in PUBG Mobile - enable extreme range sniping. ഇത വയകകനനവർ എനറ ചനൽ ഒനന subscribe ചയയക ഒനന സപപ. 15x scope in PUBG mobile is a trending topic on social media and different platforms.
1 Summary 2 Update history 3 Trivia 4 Gallery 5 References This variable power scope can zoom in even further than the 8x CQBSS allowing for extreme range sharpshooting and thus is best used with weapons that have a high bullet velocity in order to reduce. You can find this attachment in Ground Loot but it is rare. 6x Scope is a long range scope mostly use on sniper rifles or semi-automatic sniper riflesInside a scope this is a built-in zoom function that can allow you to zoom in or out depending on the range you are fighting against your enemies.
The 15x PM II Scope is a sight type attachment in BATTLEGROUNDS. This scope is regarded as the highest powerful scope for assault rifles because of its simple rangefinder its compatibility with this kind of weapon and its capacity to zoom out to 3x magnifications. However we all know that it is officially and practically impossible to get a scope with magnification power above 8X.
Pubgnewupdate librarymode newscope always find Pubg mobile 64x Secret triks How to convert 8x scope to 64x scope in pubg mobileअब कय बचच क जन. The 6x Scope is compatible with many weapons in-game but it works better when attached to Snipers or Marksman Rifles. PUBG Mobile 16x Scope Secret Trick How To Convert Red Dot To 16x Scope PUBG Mobile We will be going over a method to convert the red dot sight into a 16x.
15x Scope in PUBG. When you land find a gun or scope first. It is best to use the 15x with weapons that have high bullet speed such as the Mini14 or the AWM.
The developers of the game allow you to get 8X magnification power only. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators. If you find a gun first you can instantly attach a compatible scope.