Pubg Mobile 3x And 6x Scope Sensitivity
Then you should focus on the camera sensitivity and 3x scope sensitivity.
Pubg mobile 3x and 6x scope sensitivity. You can also transfer your data including Stats Settings from Old PUBG Mobile account to new BGMI Account. Hello in my frist video i want share to make perfect recoil for M416support my channel to learn togetherDont forget Like Share And Subcribe to my next video. TPP No scope.
If you like to play on fast. Because the 3x and half 6x sensitivity is same. BIKASHGAMING-----Wanna Support BIKASH.
You should leave the sensitivity level of long-range scopes low ranging from 3x to 8x. Im back Again with a new video of sensitivityGodL fight highlighst In lastpubg mobilegodl clansoul mortalAxompubgmobileaxomghastlyJoin our Axom Discord. So you dont need to increase your 6x sensitivity.
Pubg Mobile Scope Sensitivity6X Scope Sensitivity 6X scope No recoil Sensitivity. Best Gyro Sensitivity. Best Gyroscope Sensitivity for Pubg Mobile Almost every player make half 6x for good sprays.
PUBG Mobile consists of a variety of scopes and players can fine-tune the sensitivity for each of them. Sensitivity settings 6x and 3x Scope in pubg mobile short. Therefore it will make a great screen shake when you open and swipe scopes if the sensitivity is high.
Please subscribe for more I need your support please. These scopes are large and they will cover the whole screen. If you are a non-gyro player leave the ADS sensitivity for 3x scope at about 25 to 35.