Pubg Mobile 4 Finger Claw
Meanwhile you will use these 4 fingers and the right middle finger.
Pubg mobile 4 finger claw. In specific you cannot use these kinds of claw gameplay on small devices. If you play with the 4-finger claw you will use the thumbs and direct fingers of both two hands. PUBG Mobile 4-Finger Claw Vs 5-Finger Claw.
Widely most players use two thumbs and two index fingers from each hand. Best 4 Finger Claw Pubg Mobile in 2021. In the same way Pubg Mobile which is a game.
What is the 4 finger claw setup in PUBG Mobile. Best 4-finger claw set-up Best four-finger claw set-up If players improve their aim accuracy and all-over gameplay they will have to find the controls layout that. Best 4 finger claw PUBG Mobile with gyroscope Through this article we are going to tell you about the best 4 finger claw setup for pubg mobile so if you want to know the complete information then you must read this article carefully.
Many players around the world use gyroscope for recoil control so can too. 4 finger claw tutorial CONTROL CODE PUBG mobile claw guide by ENDGAME GOKU 4 finger. Want to get better at PUBG Mobile.
Gyroscope in Pubg Mobile. In the four-finger claw setup the mobile is held in the players hand by six fingers giving a claw-like movement to the other four fingers. Ive developed these pro training drills as well as my best sensitivity.
Most of the Pro Mobile gamers use PUBG 4 Finger claw layout. It is very easy for you to perform all the things at the same time using PUBG 4 finger claw setup like Aim fire movement camera angle jump. You can learn his sensitivity and control settings to play like a pro player.