Pubg Mobile 4 Finger Claw Setting
4 Finger Claws Setup Fire Button Setup.
Pubg mobile 4 finger claw setting. Widely most players use two thumbs and two index fingers from each hand. You can learn his sensitivity and control settings to play like a pro player. Advantages of the four-finger claw controls in PUBG It is the most flexible setup.
Battlegrounds Mobile India. In the four-finger claw setup the mobile is held in the players hand by six fingers giving a claw-like movement to the other four fingers. What is the 4 finger claw setup in PUBG Mobile.
I will also atteched some screenshot and also share some control code and sensitivity code. Also share zero recoil sensitivity settings so make sure you canread this post start to end. PUBG MOBILE 4 FINGER CLAW SETTINGS SENSITIVITY TIPS AND TRICKS000 Intro004 Claw Settings Guide 029 Claw Button Guide206 Claw Practices249 Claw Basic Set.
Top Best 4 finger claw setup PUBG mobile Controls Layout with Gyroscope. Earlier he uses to play on iPad after that he started using the Mobile device. But wait there are many people who place their fire button on the left side.
Given below you will find a sensitivity setting that will be the best. How to Throw Grenades Properly in PUBG MOBILE. Many players around the world use gyroscope for recoil control so can too.
As most of the other PUBG players asking Mortals 4 Finger claw setup of the layout. Some players prefer using the thumb setup. Pubg Mobile 4 finger claw setting.