Pubg Mobile 4 Finger Layout
After having the best 8-finger claw layout you should practice using this new control setup and master it early.
Pubg mobile 4 finger layout. Practice 8-finger claw in TDM. Best 4 Finger Claw Pubg Mobile in 2021 So now i will give you Best 4 Finger Claw Pubg control code and sensitivity code. PUBG Mobile 2-finger layout control settings 150 2021 at the latest.
It is important that you open up the training grounds to practice after setting the layout in order to get used to it faster. There are very few players who can play 5 finger control layout but Chinese PUBG Mobile players mostly play 5 finger claw and they also tell people to play 5 finger claw because according to their game thinking speed is very important in PUBG Mobile if you want to become a good player. One of the best PUBG player Naman Mathur also known as MORTAL One of TOP 10 Pubg Mobile Players in India also uses 4 finger Claw setup using Mobile.
Which makes easier to prone or crouch while worst-case scenario. The PUBG 4 Finger claw layout is amazing because your 2 fingers are on Aim Fire and the other 2 are on movement changing camera angle. Now in a four-finger setup you need to put the shoot button on either your extreme top right of the screen or your extreme top left of the screen.
Layout link - httpbitly2ms8wwKwant me to upload a video on how to be like coffin. Setting up the shoot buttons in your comfortable spot is the most important thing to keep in mind when creating your layout in the four-finger setup. In the four-finger claw setup the mobile is held in the players hand by six fingers giving a claw-like movement to the other four fingers.
New 4 Finger Claw 3 Layout Code In the four-finger hook arrangement the versatile is held in the players hand by six fingers giving a paw-like development to the next four fingers. Layout setup for 4-fingers claw. This is a.
Peek and Scope are Placed at the Left Top corner. It is very easy for you to perform all the things at the same time using PUBG 4 finger claw setup like Aim fire movement camera angle jump. TDM allows you to practice this new setting perfectly with intense close combat.