Pubg Mobile Active Players
However the number of downloads is different from the number of active players.
Pubg mobile active players. PUBG MOBILE ranked No1 as the best mobile game by worldwide downloads in 2019 according to SensorTower. The battle royale game was launched for Android and iOS devices on March 19 2018 and the monumental growth is not just impressive but also enviable for other game developers. Here you will learn the games statistics and Call of Duty.
Meaning the number of PUBG players playing simultaneously at the same time. Types Of Pubg Players Shows Types Of Pubg Players We Find While Playing This GameFollow us onInstagram - httpswwwinstag. Below you will find stats on the top five countries by active daily participation.
Kow Biu Biu Jiunn Jie was a professional Esports player for Team Secret and a full-time streamer and. We have also logged the peak number of PUBG players. Besides focusing on social responsibility campaign PUBG MOBILE.
RRQ G9 AKA Pachachai Han from Thaialnd. Players Gain Gain Peak Players. PUBG MOBILE has published over 200 countries and regions with over 600 Million Downloads and 50 Million Daily Active Players worldwide excluding Mainland China.
4 AM Xinhe AKA Li He from China. As one of the most popular mobile game around the world PUBG MOBILE always encourage players to face challenges and improve themselves BE THE 1. FORTNITE UPDATE 2021 This PUBG MAP just WONT DIE ft.
PUBG Monthly Player Statistics. Tencent has announced that PUBG Mobile recently crossed 10 million daily active players. The streamer is best known for his FPPTPP mode gameplay.