Pubg Mobile Airdrop Cave
PUBG Mobile SECRET Loot Spot Level 3 Loot Locations PUBGM New Update Gameplay - Secret Flare Gun Locations PUBG Mo.
Pubg mobile airdrop cave. The true treasure in this Vikendi secret cave PUBG Mobile however are the rows of red crates that was supposed to only be available via airdrops. Entrances were collapsed and its rumored that they are hiding lots of fantastic crates. Since the release of the new patch players have found a whole new location on the map which seems like a hidden cave with loot that can only be found on an airdrop.
PUBG Mobile SECRET Airdrop Easter Egg. Follow Us for Regular Updates on Awesome New Wallpapers. This opportunity is limited and without the need for topup.
A lot of loot types are included from armors and guns placed on top of floor and barrels to weapon mods and ammunition. HD wallpapers and background images. According to PUBG Mobile news its said that the cave is occupied by local Vikendi militia to save stolen airdrops.
How to get lucky airdrop in bgmipubg mobile Music used in video is not owned by meall credit goes to the owner Music link. How to start with Airdrop Weapons Secret Cave Airdrop PUBG Mobile Secret cave in vikendi Flare drop weapons LootBusiness inquiries. A few players have recorded themselves discovering the secret cave already including a YouTuber by the name of wtfmoses.
PUBG is still one of the biggest battle royale games out there and if youre a fan of the mode but youre not a fan of Fortnite. PUBG MOBILE SECRET CAVE IN VIKENDI MAP Airdrop Factory Cave PUBG Mobile 0130 KillShot Gaming. Airdrop Cave English English Tips.
Meanwhile it has a hidden underground chamber filled with empty wooden boxes. Yes a lot of people heard about the awesome place on the snow map Vikendi but very few people know about this cave in. Peshkova and northeast of Podvosto.