Pubg Mobile And Pc
It has a paid version.
Pubg mobile and pc. Even the arcade modes of the game are squad-based. PUBG PC is known for having good graphics and design. BlueStacks app player is the best PC platform emulator to play this android game on your PC or Mac for a better gaming experience.
It has more game modes like Arena PlayLab. User Interface of Mobile is different from the PC. It has a paid version.
On the other hand you can also play the PUBG Mobile on your laptop or computer with the help of an emulator. It mostly has a lower resolution as compared to PC. With 1080 HD Resolution it gives the real feel.
It has more game modes. PUBG Mobile doesnt have good graphics. It is available for free and anyone can download it from the app and ios store.
In Mobile you can easily pick up the weapons and all the other things available. It mostly has a lower resolution as compared to PC. PUBG MOBILE - Traverse is an Action game developed by PROXIMA BETA.
Crossplay has converted more pervasive and PUBG is no different from PUBG crossplay for PS4 and Xbox One. In PUBG Mobile touchscreen and triggers are used whereas in PUBG PC it is controlled through muis and keyboard. It is available for free and anyone can download it from the app and ios store.