Pubg Mobile Anti Recoil
I made this for learning purposes so dont expect it to run perfectly it may be buggy sometimes.
Pubg mobile anti recoil. ADS is also called Aim Down Sight in PUBG Mobile. PUBG MOBILE 13 CONFIG ANTI RESET LESS RECOIL NO GRASS HIGH DAMAGE AUTO HEADSHOT 60 FPS. Assalomu AllaykumBugungi videomizda pubg mobile lite uchun atni ban bez otdacha aim bot aim assist magic bullet high damage no lag va ping stabilniy.
Admin August 20 2021 Please Watch Video On 1080p For Better Quality. About this file - WORKING ON - Global kr version Root or Non Root device Full map of pubg mobile All Android devices LATEST. You should try our macros to improve your game quality and give you a more fun experience.
PUBG MOBILE LITE NO RECOIL ANTI BAN AIM BOT MAGUC BULLET HIGH DAMAGE AIM ASSIST NO LAG PING Shoh gamerPubgPubg mobilePubg mobile litePubg mobile lite chitPubg mobile. Abuda Send an email. These settings are helpful for players who control recoil by swiping their thumbs down on their smartphones.
Here it takes a trick of your own to fire to stabilize your recoil. PUBG Mobile Anti-Recoil This is a simple script written in python to auto-shoot control recoil of weapons in pubg mobile using feature detection for calculating the translation of the screen just like a camera stabilizer would do probably. Im Always Thankful for Everything.
Config PUBG No Recoil No Grass Hampir semua orang tahu atau bahkan memainkan PUBG Mobile. Insaneawaisytpubgmobile ONLY NO RECOIL UPDATE PUBG MOBILE 150 ANTI BAN CONFIG GL PUBG MOBILE only no recoil no grass high damage _____ APP zrachiver link GL ONLY _____ PUBG 64 BIT LINK NO PASSWORD _____ PUBG 32 BIT LINK NO PASSWORD SUBSCRIBE CHENNEL AND LIKE SHARE VIDEO only no recoil pubg mobile. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Tumblr Pinterest Reddit VKontakte Odnoklassniki Pocket.
The method is quite simple by holding your shot down with your finger. Thats all I need. New updated config no recoil only pubg mobile 15 terbaruunlock 90fps 100 anti banned danroo Follow on Twitter Send an email 1 week ago 29 1 1 minute read.