Pubg Mobile Best Loot
Volnova holds narrow streets stone walls constructed in the middle ages with local restaurants shops and so on.
Pubg mobile best loot. Iceborg is situated on the snowy side of the map. Need the level 3 helmet armor And backpack. This article shows the list of 10 best locations to find Loot in Vikendi.
Searching for quality loot locations in the Vikendi map of PUBG Mobile. So we made this guide for you to get the best loot locations on Erangel Map. Take a look at it first then we will give our recommendations.
Sosnovka Military Base - Located right at the bottom of the map Sosnova Military Base is a huge complex that offers some of the best loot in the game. Looking for a safe haven from the Vikendi action or would you rather get right to the point. LIKE For more pubg mobile videos Comment what type of video you want next tips tricks how to weapon challenge world record trick shot or high kill.
Where to land best loot spots on Sanhok. This area is located at the corner of the map on the high grounds. This PUBG Mobile Vikendi map guide will outline the best places the land based on available loot and potential firefight opportunities.
One of the best PUBG Mobile secret loot spots is located on the snow map Vikendi. It is the result of the collaborative efforts of PUBG players. Nier Reincarnation Beginners Guide and Tips.
PSG Esports to enter the RoV Pro League with a new team. Saturday July 31 2021. BEST LOOT PLACES PUBG MOBILE LITE HERO GAMING.