Pubg Mobile Beta Invitation Code
Pubg Mobile 15 Beta Version Pubg Mobile 15 Beta Version Invitation Code and Login Process.
Pubg mobile beta invitation code. Right after the jump we have listed down all the steps you. This invitation code is free of cost and you dont need to pay a single penny to get it. Open the game and Go to the event section in the global version of PUBG Mobile and click on the Test Server option.
How to get invite code for 13 update and download it via APK link. All gamers need the code to get into the game The engineers eliminated the Invitation Code highlight in the later forms of the PUBG Mobile 13. The invitation code will bind your main PUBG Mobile account with the beta testing account.
By entering invitation code the users can enter into the test server. Players need an Invitation Code to access PUBG Mobile 14 beta The developers removed the Invitation Code feature in the later versions of the PUBG Mobile 13 beta. Follow the steps given below to get the invitation code for PUBG Mobile 12 beta.
If playback doesnt begin shortly try restarting your device. A dialog box will appear for entering invitation code. Click on the below option which is in Chinese language.
Consequently players require the Binding Code or Invitation Code to get conceded into the PUBG Mobile 14 beta. Click here to read a step-by-step guide on how to. The code has a 10 digits with a combination of Alphabets and numbers.
By entering the correct code the users can test the new features. Here you will must click on the Generate Binding Code. PUBG mobile use this invitation code technique to reduce the overload on the testing server of latest update.