Pubg Mobile Change Blood Color
PUBG Mobile brought this new feature called the Colorblind Mode and it comes with variety of options including Deuteranopia Protanopia and Tritanopia.
Pubg mobile change blood color. Blue Teal color Tritanopia. Deuteranopia makes the colour of the blood pink while Protanopia makes it blue and Tritanopia makes it. Ive never heard of yellow blood though blue is the only color you can change it to legit.
The three options are available apart from the original blood red colour option. Pubg mobile color changing in kinemasterVolor color Grading in kinemaster granding color video kinemaster. You can change the blood to purplish-red in deuteranopia mode.
This color is poorly visible on PUBG maps and is not. In order to change the blood color in PUBG you will need to open the game client go to Settings on the Game Process tab and select the Color blindness mode item. Normal red color Deuteranopia purple.
PUBG Mobile recently rolled out a significant update 0170 on March 3. Most of the advertised features in the patch have just gone. These colors represent various colors that are-Tritanopia Orange Color.
Here are the three colours that the available options closely represent. Hey Legend Army-How To Change Blood Colour In PUBG Mobile Green Blood PUBG Mobile 090 Update เคนเคจเคฆ PUBGMOBILE PUBG LegendTech PUBGINDIA UPDATE L. Continue reading for steps on how to alter blood colour in PUBG Mobile.
As anticipated the patch has attracted a lot of improvements and intriguing new features like. The Three types of Colorblind Mode in PUBG Mobile Deuteranopia. These are the three colors that are available in colorblind mode to change the color of the blood.