Pubg Mobile Claw Method
Pubg control settings Claw vs Thumbs Implementing claw on mobile needed for Pro players to reduce reaction time.
Pubg mobile claw method. The best 5-finger claw layout is the one that suits your phone and hands the most. This video is unavailable. IndRival pubgmobile3fingersclawsetupbest3fingerclawsettingsbest3fingerclawsetupBest 3 Finger Claw Sensitivity Setup For PUBG MOBILE PRO CLAWSubscrib.
This is the trick pros use to play the game Gaming The claw grip may seem very difficult in the beginning once you get used to this method it is very rewarding. This is Somu hereWelcome to my YouTube ChannelJoin my Discord For Updates- httpsdiscordg. Although each player will have a different setting and a 5-finger claw PUBG Mobile layout which they feel most comfortable we can learn the best setting from pro players and give it a go.
Basically the four-finger claw in PUBG mobile is a very complex method to learn and once you have learned it becomes easier for a player to compete with other enemies. Because 5 finger claws will improve your speed and reflexes. And Also Be Sure To Comment Down Bel.
This video is a tutorial for how to use claw technique in pubg mobile. Learning claw for Noobs difficult in early games. I have been playing with 4 finger claw for the past few days and this is my updated version of my 4 finger claw guide and tutorial.
Even though it doesnt mean it is better than the other two methods or processes. Earlier he uses to play on iPad after that he started using the Mobile device. Toxickk - July 28 2021.
For this you have practice in Arcade mode solo vs duo solo vs squad and then Minimap once you are perfect come to classic mode. ---My Pubg Mobile Id. In addition to this a Four-finger claw setup is just another setup you can use to play PUBG mobile likewise the other two layouts.