Pubg Mobile Conqueror
Pubg mobile conqueror. Every PUBG player wishes to get the conqueror title in any of the seasons. How to Reach Conqueror in Pubg Mobile Ace to Conqueror. How to cheat pubg mobile 15 new in 2021 trick fast conqueror no banned.
Top 1 10000 points and top 100 6000 points then top 500 general around 6000. It is also very hard to maintain this rank as it resets daily and hence the grind is non-stop. You can also see top 100 rankers in server within pubg mobile there you can get the idea of conqueror points.
PUBG Conqueror players are the top players of any specific region. But because of competition it is very. Best offline games for.
Indonesia kedepanya lebih baik lagi dan harga cheat bisa turun. WHAT IS CONQUEROR IN PUBG MOBILE Conqueror tier is the highest rank tier a player can achieve in PUBG Mobile. However its pretty hard to do this skill.
The Ace tire with 4200 pts is common on every tier but there is a big change in ACE master for global rank to achieve conqueror which is ACE Master 4700 pts and for high rank close to the conqueror is ACE Nominator 5200 it is 5 start pts which is compulsory for qualify and top 500 will get Conqueror when. So I have given you the tips and tricks to easily reach the conqueror tier in season 17. However its not a good tactic because there is no totally safe place or route in this game.
Once you have all these you are all set to start pushing rank to the conqueror tier. You may wanna try to pushing to conqueror but its a very bad idea unless you only have pubg world. How to cheat pubg mobile 15 new in 2021 trick fast conqueror no banned.