Pubg Mobile Damage Chart
The real pubg mobile damage chart is absolutely a topic that i think needs to be talked about.
Pubg mobile damage chart. Once in a while we all experience situations when we hit our opponents several times and we think he is about to go down but a few more shots wont kneel him. In short I am going to tell you PUBG Guns Specifications. Most websites recorded their data via private matches and some dont include the feet.
This makes it crucial. With rates of fire time to kill and video support check it out amigos. Every weapon differs from the other and deals a different amount of damage.
Weapon Base Damage Fire Rate Reload Duration Spawn Rate Avg. There are so many pages that falsely claim to give you the in. Hey Gamers If You Playing Pubg Mobile Full Form Of PUBG Player Unknown Battle Ground Game And You Are Looking For All Pubg Mobile Weapons Damage List So In This Article I Will Provide You All The Information Of Pubg Mobile In Weapon Field Here I Am Showing All The Gun Information In List Wise So Read The Chart And List Clearly.
The weapon stats data is NOT OFFICIAL since PUBG Mobile only has their gun statistic in power bar. 2 PUBG Mobile Weapons Pistols. To avoid this kind of frustrating situation we strongly recommend you to look at the chart below to exactly predict how many shots you still need to knock your opponent.
यह आपक नच आपक इमज और अलग अलग category म pubg mobile damage chart लसट क बर म बतय गय ह. Vector is also a good option but empties the clip pretty fast. Info for PUBG version 122151 Generated 20210630.
The game keeps the core gameplay of PUBG Mobile but with some changes so the game can run smoothly. Time to kill Burst mode. 6 PUBG Mobile Weapons DMR.