Pubg Mobile Game Map Guide
The Sanhok map calls for an intense match every time.
Pubg mobile game map guide. Battlegrounds Mobile India received its first-ever update. The maps in the game are well-designed and players have a lot of fun experiencing all the maps. A city located in the west part of the map.
How to land faster. PUBG Mobile attachments guide. Hey bears today we are again on the battlefield of Playerunknowns Battlegrounds for mobile.
And today we are doing exactly this. Driving from the west coast to the east cost with funny moments insane grenade kills and of course a chicken dinner. As we all know a match on such a large map often takes you about 30 minutes.
Usually in other maps you jump out of a plane at 800 meters but in Karakin you need to make that jump at around 350 meters. PUBG Mobile hints at the return of the Vikendi map in their latest Social media post. The famous snowy terrain map called Vikendi was removed from PUBG Mobile officially to replace it with the new Karakin mapThe Karakin map was rumored to feature in the game for a very long time.
New maps such as Vikendi are only currently available through the test. It provides weapon information and item information. All the maps in the game are based on different terrains.
The first ideal map to collect more points and rank up in PUBG Mobile is Erangel. Since PUBG Mobile released in February 2018 it has taken the mobile gaming scene by storm. While playing in the squad in PUBG Mobile you may sometime face a problem of maintaining your squad.