Pubg Mobile Game Side Effects
Therefore PUBG is still not safe completely and may face a ban in the future.
Pubg mobile game side effects. Due to this eyes pain start. Pubg mobile makes your nature aggressive. Playing PUBG for a longer period of time can put some harmful effects on your health.
There have been a lot of cases submitted regarding the negative side effects due to the game. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators. 8 side effects of pubg game 1.
Just like every other video game PUBG is accused of being a violent game by many peoples. Staring at the mobile screen for a long time can be very dangerous sometimes it can also lead to migraine and headache. Not to forget the mental health effects are there too such as withdrawal irritability poor sleep anger and addiction.
8 side effects of playing PUBG mobile - Health Healthier PUBG Players Unknown. त अब बत करत ह क PUBG Game ke Nuksan कय ह सकत ह. When you play PUBG you become less productive and it can affect your mental health.
Effectgaminghr pubgmobileliteYouTube Channel only For Gameplay Videos Are you Interested in Gaming Videos So Subscribe Effect Gaming Hr YouTube Channel Tha. If you are a pubg addict you will develop social anxiety. Many people play pubg game on mobile and PC with full brightness for a long period.
Leads to game addiction. To keep the game from getting banned the PUBG MOBILE team had rolled out a gameplay time limiter in the previous update that only allowed players to play at six hours at a stretch. Presently theres a parental lock for players under the age of 13.