Pubg Mobile Game Which Country
But the game was launched for the PC and Console devices only.
Pubg mobile game which country. The Indian government banned many Chinese apps in India. Indias most-loved Battle-Royale game Irish- born Brendan Greene is the man behind the concept of the Battle Royale game PUBG which is. Learn to go in the top 500 list List of PUBG mobile playing countries The country that played PUBG Mobile the most was North China with most of the 2017 players coming from Japan India America and Russia.
Which country plays PUBG mobile the most. In China PUBG Mobile is known as Game for Peace and is a hugely popular game in the country. PlayerUnknowns Battlegrounds or PUBG to its fans is one of them.
After a successful launch in both PC and Console platform Bluehole then wanted to capture the mobile gaming market. It makes it clear that the confusion was caused by China-based Tencent creating a Mobile Version of the game. In a big surprise to gamers PUBG which is the most popular gaming app in India with the most number of downloads was banned in the country on September 2 over security concerns.
Which Country Made PUBG. Fans need not worry as PUBG Mobile has not been banned in India. The answer to which country plays PUBG mobile the most was China with most of the players for the game in 2017 from there followed by India Japan USA and Russia.
However Before the release of PUBG Mobile is a large country like India and China a Chinese company called Tencent took responsibility and bought 10 of the share and publishing rights of PUBG Mobile. Even though Chinese giant Tencent Mobile has a stake in PUBG Mobile the game is not allowed in China due to the violence that is part of the normal gameplay. As of 2020 India is the most PUBG played country and China is the second country who plays PUBG mobile the most.
However after the ban on PUBG mobile by the Chinese government India has taken over the place by being on the top. The origin-country PUBG Mobile is South Korea as well. Let me tell you that this game has been.