Pubg Mobile Godzilla
Godzilla Kong and Mechagodzilla arrive in PUBG Mobiles version 14 update which also brings microcosm gameplay a new vehicle Hangar which is new arena m.
Pubg mobile godzilla. PUBG Mobile has released a teaser for their latest crossover with Godzilla vs Kong. Getting the new GODZILLA AWM MAX UPGRADABLE LVL 7When we reach 6M subscribers I will giveaway 100000 UC to my subscribersMore info and intructions and r. New PUBG MOBILE version 14 updates are now available with a range of new modes a new arena map vehicles combat improvements items and other interesting content.
SUBSCRIBE FOR BEST PUBGBGMI SHORTS VIDEOSShorts Pubgshorts bgmishorts bgmiclips bgminewupdate Pubgfunny attitude pubgattitude youtubesh. Godzilla VS Kong in PUBG Mobile. Pictures und Legendary Pictures monsterhaft erfolgreichem Film Godzilla vs.
Kongs agile movements in Sanhok allow him to move around quickly but dont underestimate his power. Juni 2021 werden PUBG Mobile-Spieler die Möglichkeit haben sich mit dem Mikrokosmos-Gameplay zu verkleinern und über die Karte zu teleportieren. Alesso Lost Frequencies and R3HAB.
Godzilla will be appear in Erangel and roaming around Similarly Kong will be appear in Sanhok and Mechagodzilla will in Livik. With a massive body and destructive laser Godzilla is bent on making all Titans bend to its will. PUBG Mobile Update was ist neu.
Where players can interact with different legendary monsters of Monster Verse universe on battlegrounds. Tencent has released the most anticipated update of PUBG Mobile global version. Happy Birthday to PUBG Mobile.
The announcement was made during the 3rd-anniversary celebration party which featured three renowned DJs. Previously PUBG Mobile released the Titan Strikes game mode where the titans King Kong Godzilla and Mechagodzilla randomly appeared in Sanhok Erangel and Livik maps. This new update is termed as PUBG Mobile 14 update and features the new Godzilla vs Kong Mode and users can use the link given below to directly download this new update.